CinéInnovate Studios VIP

What is the CinéInnovate Studios VIP?

CinéInnovate (Sin-in-oh-vate) Studios aims to establish an integrated, collaborative learning environment that explores cinematic filmmaking in the Unreal Engine and offers students hands-on experience in film development, production, distribution, and exhibition. Students to work alongside industry professionals to design, fundraise, write, shoot, edit, and market original content while cultivating practical skills and confidence in filmmaking.

What is a VIP?

VIP or Vertically Integrated Project is a way for students from the undergrad to graduate levels to work with a professor on ongoing, collaborative, and interdisciplinary research.

When does this VIP meet?

We meet on Tuesdays from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM in Skiles RM 318 (formally DILAC). Take the small, silver elevator to the 3rd floor and turn left.  The classroom is the first door on the left. 

What kinds of projects will I complete as a member of this VIP? 

The project changes each year. This year, students to work alongside industry professionals to design, fundraise, write, shoot, edit, and market an original, short animated film while cultivating practical skills and confidence in filmmaking. We are looking for students with a background or interest in media studies, film studies, television/cable streaming studies, media production, scripted story development, narrative story development, computational media, computer science, cultural studies, and performance studies. 

How can I register for the CinéInnovate Studios VIP? 

To register, visit: